How can graphology help to understand my child's personality and support their development?
Through a graphology analysis of a child, parents can better understand and identify their child’s interests, emotions and emotional blocks. This provides an in-depth understanding from the child’s perspective, allowing parents to take optimal actions for their child’s development and emotional well-being. Discover how graphology can be a valuable tool for understanding and supporting your child’s growth.
What are the specific benefits of graphology in the educational setting, for both children and adults?
Through graphic re-education, graphology not only improves handwriting and addresses dysgraphia (poor handwriting), but also highlights other important areas such as self-esteem and communication with oneself and one’s environment. By working on these areas simultaneously, possible obstacles that could be affecting the person can be detected and addressed early. This early detection and addressing optimises the final results in terms of writing, and also contributes to the overall attitude of the writer/author.
How is inattention, concentration or obsession addressed through graphology in children?
Our approach includes graphic re-education and/or graphotherapy, complemented by mentoring, coaching and positive psychology sessions, as well as other disciplines depending on the nature and severity of the case to be treated. This combination of multidisciplinary approaches allows us to adapt effectively to individual needs, offering a comprehensive treatment to improve children’s attention and concentration.
Can graphological analysis help in legal or forensic situations?
Yes, for example in a divorce case, through a thorough analysis of a child’s writings, drawings and doodles over different periods of cohabitation with different parents. This approach provides valuable information about how the child feels, how he or she manages his or her emotions with each parent and his or her emotional well-being in general, thus contributing to informed legal and forensic decision-making.
What kind of information can be obtained about an adult's mental and emotional health through graphology?
Graphology can identify early signs of depression, assess anxiety levels and determine the state of mind at the time of writing. This tool provides valuable insights into key aspects of mental and emotional health, allowing for timely, personalised interventions.
How do Grafopedia’s services differ from other conventional psychological practices or approaches?
At Grafopedia we adapt our services according to the individual needs and preferences of the person being treated. We use a variety of disciplines, from conventional graphic re-education and graphology techniques to the integration of various alternative practices and therapies. In addition, we offer approaches ranging from pure graphological techniques to psychology and psychograph analysis. Flexibility in the choice of approach allows us to work from a scientific and rational approach to a more holistic one or even a hybrid holistic-scientific approach. We adapt our interventions according to each individual’s beliefs, philosophy of life and open-mindedness, providing personalised treatment for their situation and preferences.
To what extent can graphology be useful to understand and improve the dynamics within companies and work teams?
In the past, a conventional view was to look for chemistry between colleagues and teams, a constant interaction of action and reaction. Nowadays, the focus is on alchemy, looking for more enduring and consistent relationships to avoid talent drain. Improved cross-departmental communication and greater understanding between colleagues can be catalysts for optimising company performance.
Is graphology a reliable tool for the assessment of personality and behaviour in educational and professional settings?
Graphology presents itself as a reliable tool for personality and behavioural assessment in educational and professional settings, fulfilling the fundamental requirements to be considered a scientific discipline. These requirements include:
- An analytical study supported by observational and experimental research, such as the studies of Emmanuelle Zech & Bernard Rime and Buhrfeind & Pennebaker.
- Specialised discipline that covers a range of areas from historical research to personnel selection and handwriting expertise.
- Its verifiability is supported by graphological studies that have served as the basis for further research.
- It has a consistent unit of measurement, the trace, which remains constant even in exceptional circumstances such as writing with the mouth, feet or hands.